Watercolor painting class

Pop-Up Watercolor Class Coming to the JCC!

Occasionally, as you walk through the hallways of the Addison-Penzak JCC, you may stumble upon a series of breathtaking watercolor paintings. Those paintings were created at the JCC’s seasonal watercolor program by students of mixed levels, ages, backgrounds, coming together over a shared interest.

Honing in on this shared interest, the JCC hosted a pop-up watercolor class earlier this month that was offered to the general public, and hosted in the new APJCC Café Lounge. The pop-up was such a hit, we couldn’t help but organize another round!

Please join us on Tuesday, September 6 at 5:00pm for a All-Levels Watercolor Class at the APJCC Café Lounge.

Our talented instructor, John Giannoti, brings years of experience to the table (or should we say “easel?”) as an accomplished painter and former president of the Los Gatos Art Association.

The class will incorporate an introduction to some main watercolor principles, as well as a chance for more advanced students to learn valuable tips and watercolor techniques.

The class is limited to 10 participants.


Free for JCC members
Only $20 per person for non-members

For adults and teens 14+


You may bring your own brushes and paint, or use our communal supplies.

If you wish to bring your own materials, this is what you’ll need:

  • Paints – at minimum red, blue and yellow
  • Brushes – small and large watercolor brushes

For more info: [email protected]

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