Powering Hope 2023

Powering Hope 2023

On Tuesday, Dec 5th, almost 300 people gathered to power hope for our community.

We heard moving testimonies, shared in collective song, heard from award winning author of People Love Dead Jews, Dara Horn, and many dedicated important funding in support of a strong and vibrant Jewish future through Jewish Silicon Valley.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Jewish Silicon Valley has hit our

$1 Million Dollar Match goal

and continues to grow our resources to support our mission and work.

Equally as important, was the collective call from and response for our community to breath more life into our Jewish commitments, helping fight the precipitous rise in antisemitism.

“We are not helpless, we are responding and we are more united as a community now than at any time in recent memory. Never Again is NOW.”
– Daniel Klein, Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Silicon Valley

“I ask you to join us, not just in our victories, but also in our work. Your support, your engagement, your voice can make a difference. Together, we can build on the work we’ve done, rise above the challenges that come our way, and create a stronger, more unified community.”
– Avery Kaufman, Jewish Silicon Valley Board Chair

“From my perspective, one clear antidote to antisemitism is proud, visible, self-assured, meaningful, robust, joyful Judaism.

– Rabbi Hugh Seid Valencia, Chief Community Officer


Ways to Support

Donate to Jewish Silicon Valley at www.jvalley.org/Donate

Join. If you are not already, please become a member of the APJCC. There are member events, a fabulous gym, athletic, family, and cultural programming you can enjoy and it is another way to strengthen our community. www.apjcc.org/join

Rebuild & strengthen Jewish institutions. If you have a Donor Advised Fund or are thinking of setting one up, you can do it with us. If you didn’t know, we already hold DAF’s and endowments, so we can help you with yours.

Use your voice. Subscribe to JCRC Mobilize to receive real time action alerts so we can take action together. Show up, be counted and don’t stay silent.