Embracing Nahal Oz

About 160 members of our community learned about October 7 in a more personal way. They understood the people behind the faces, the charachter of the kibbutz and how was it like to grow in it. There were touching stories and songs – the community connected.

Words from our community:

  • “Thanks again! The right evening, the right content… everything.
  • Beyond all the thanks, I tried to crack the magic – why this special evening worked for me more than any other “Shiva” event.
  • And maybe I have an answer, or at least a theory: this is the only event to date that understood and conducted a sensitive dialogue between being here and being there.
  • No apologies, no regrets, as it is. that’s how it is.
  • The mix of people who, like us, are both here and there – living our division and choices every day – is the right mix and therefore worked. There was a place for what happened and is happening there, and for us here. Not trivial at all. Thanks.
  • These are my two cents or two sentiments”
  • “You rock! It was such a touching night! Thanks for an 
  • “You rock! It was a touching touching night! Thank you for an evening that hosted an understanding, encouraging, loving dialouge with the pain, sorrow and fears I’ve been having since 10/7. I returned home sad and calm, and that’s a lot these days”
  • “Thank you for a great evening”
  • “Nahal Oz” — what a wonderful program. Uplifting, insightful, emotional in so many directions, and informative. I loved the kibbutz-based songs and the musicians who performed them. Michael and I were awed that kibbutz presenters could tell us their stories with such grace and strength. And the terrific poster display brought the communities of the Gaza Envelope to life in photos and words. Kol Hakavod!