Jewbilee: Multicultural Judaism

Jewbilee: Multicultural Judaism

Over 200 people gathered for our first in-person Jewbilee experience since Covid. 

This year’s Jewbilee learning & engagement opportunities honored the array of ways people practice, claim, and represent their Jewish identity, and how their Jewish-self fits within the larger community and history. 

The diversity of speakers, and engagement from participants was palatable. People were proud, grateful, and energized to connect.

“It was an enriching and fun day at Jewish Silicon Valley’s “Jewbilee”, one of my favorite events at our JCC each year. The event was even more special to me because the theme was diversity within the Jewish community. It was a treat to hear from Gage Gorsky, PhD, one of the key researchers behind “Beyond the Count”, a comprehensive research study about Jews of color sponsored by the Jews of Color Initiative. A moving and inspiring day!”