Hero Day:2023

Hero Day:2023

As part of our FRI-J series the JSV Operatiosn team works with local frist responders to host “Hero Day” a free day for families with young children to interact and thank our local heroes.

This is the second year in a row of the event and each year the smiles, crowds, and fun, continue to grow.

These events are not only special for the young families who visit our campus, but also represent the important and unique relationship established between Jewish Silicon Valley and local first responders.

Thank you to JCC Los Gatos for your continued support and recognition during the Heroes Day event. We were so honored to be part of such a wonderful event and to be able to share our Community Policing efforts with the both the teachers, students and families. The students of all ages got to meet our Therapy dogs, our officers, sit in one of our vehicles and learn what it is like to be a police officer. For some of the students, this was the first time meeting a police officer in person and to see smiles and wonder on their faces is always priceless.