Hebrew Chit Chat

Hebrew Chit Chat program — where language learning becomes a lively and interactive adventure. As our participants will attest, it offers a comfortable environment to discover the joy of authentic conversations that bring the beauty of the language to life.

  • The Hebrew Chit Chat has been a great learning experience. My comfort in speaking has improved. Our group is amazing and I’m looking forward to continuing.

  • Chit Chat is a very good, fun and education program; something that I have been looking for a while! Not only that it’s a social event, but you get to learn and be surrounded by Hebrew! I wish other JCC locations would emulate this idea/program!!

  • The volunteers and participants are so supportive of each other resulting in a very comfortable space to build speaking confidence.  I look forward to our every other week get-togethers and the camaraderie that we are experiencing.  Thank you for making this program available to us.

  • The Chit Chat group is a programming home run! Bringing together Hebrew speaking learners in ability groups, coached by a volunteer native speaker enhanced my educational and social opportunities. The people in my “kvutza” (group) have bonded. We are looking forward to resuming the chat group when the new classes start. Thank you for the fun and community building.