On Sunday, November 14th, 2021, Jewish Silicon Valley proudly joined forces with numerous community partners, including the Town of Los Gatos, Los Gatos Union School District, Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce, and the Los Gatos Interfaith Clergy Groupfor the Los Gatos United Against Hate Walk. In response to recent antisemitic graffiti that defaced our beautiful Levy Family Campus and other hate fueled events around town, the powerful demonstration showed our community’s strength and unity in condemning antisemitism and all acts of hatred. It was a beautiful day, and the Los Gatos police estimated that more than 2,500 people were there – many chanting “love, united,” in unison. The crowd stretched for nearly a mile. Longtime residents said it was the largest rally in town in decades, and perhaps ever. “It was people from every religion, from every walk of life,” said Lael Gray, CEO of Jewish Silicon Valley. The Los Gatos Interfaith Clergy Group’s Convener, Reverend Ricardo Avila, said, “We belong to each other, and hate against one affects us all.”

Jewish Silicon Valley has long been successful in welcoming people of every background and belief into our programs, forming bonds across communities, and advancing the community outreach efforts of our Jewish Community Relations Council that are critical to ending antisemitism and bias. 

I felt so proud of Los Gatos- great participation, loved having so many young people with high energy helping lead the way, and strong support for our Jewish community.

I felt like I wasn't alone.

I felt togetherness amongst friends, community strength and hope to fight against hate.

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