Reflections from the Fitness Center

The bustling sounds of the community that typically filled the hallways, were abruptly replaced with an eerie and uncertain silence. Activities and services for most were forced to come to a standstill, as the APJCC, along with the rest of the world, tried to make sense of the unprecedented circumstances.

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A Reason for Happiness

The month of Adar in the Jewish calendar is considered a month of joy. Purim is a joyous holiday. Our sages observed if there were not such a holiday, then Purim would have had to be invented.

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A Year in the Life of a Preschool Child

A year in the life of a preschool aged child is a huge percentage of their time on earth. We don’t know how the isolation and stress of this year will affect the little ones in terms of brain development and social/emotional development.

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A Look Back with Lael Gray, CEO

I lived in Miami Beach when Hurricane Andrew struck in August of 1992. Throughout the COVID pandemic, I’ve often found myself referring to that experience as I try to find some context to understand the current natural disaster we are going through.

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Holocaust Remembrance Day 2021

International Holocaust Remembrance Day has been observed by declaration of the U.N. since 2005. It marks the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 27, 1945. Every year, the City Council of San Jose issues a proclamation to help educate our local community.

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Together at a Distance

Are you considering coming back to the gym, but feeling you need the motivation of classes and supportive energy around you? Do you find yourself looking for something to add to your fitness routine as you ease back into fitness after months at home?

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Safe & Warm in an Unstable Time

My family has been part of the APJCC community for the last 7 years. I remember the first time I attended the orientation. Walking on campus I knew immediately this was the place where my children would organically develop into who they are, make friends, express themselves, explore new ideas and be surrounded by warmth and tender care.

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