Explore Judaism

Curious about Judaism? You are not alone! 

Taught by five rabbis, from four different synagogues and from Jewish Silicon Valley, the course gives students exposure to a variety of approaches and practices.  


WHEN: Tuesdays, Oct. 24 – Apr. 9 | 7:00pm – 9:00pm 

No Class: October 31, December 26, January 02



Join Bay Area Jewish leaders and synagogues for a collaborative introduction to Judaism course. This course presents an overview of major aspects of Judaism, including practice, belief, and history. 

Because Judaism is not something that can be fully understood from books and lectures, there will be several assignments and activities designed to give participants “real-world” Jewish experiences.

Taught by five rabbis, from four different synagogues and from Jewish Silicon Valley, the course gives students exposure to a variety of approaches and practices.  


Enrollment includes: you will receive a copy of each of the texts we’ll be using.  We intend for the syllabus and textbooks to be available on the first day of the class, October 24, 2023. The first class will be held at the APJCC  in Suite 201

For more information, contact [email protected].

Additonal Ongoing Programs

Duties of the Heart

Wednesdays, 9:00am - 10:30am (Free/Drop-in)

Drop in online to study Duties of the Heart, a guide to developing one’s inner spiritual life, written by 11th-century rabbi and philosopher Bachya ibn Pakuda. No experience or specialized knowledge necessary. With Rabbi Hugh Seid-Valencia.


For more information, contact [email protected].

This class meets every Wednesday, except on holidays.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Mondays, 9:30am - 10:30am (Free/Virtual)

Meditation is an invitation to cultivate awareness of the present moment without judgment. As we practice approaching each moment with courage, curiosity, and compassion we are able to ground ourselves and cultivate awareness and calm. Each sit includes teaching drawn from the Jewish spiritual tradition, chanting, silent meditation, and an opportunity for questions and sharing. These meditation sessions are appropriate for both beginners and experienced meditators. Everyone is welcome to join us. All sessions are virtual and free to attend.


For more info, contact [email protected].

Offered by Shalem, the Jewish Wellness Initiative of the San Francisco Bay Area. Shalem was created by the Peninsula JCC and Embodied Jewish Learning, and is now a collaboration of Embodied Jewish Learning, the Peninsula JCC, Oshman Family JCC, Jewish Silicon Valley, JCC San Francisco, Osher Marin JCC, and JCC East Bay to promote holistic wellness and well-being inspired by and infused with Jewish wisdom.

Well-being Walks

Monthly on third Fridays, 12:30pm - 1:30pm (Free for APJCC Members)

Are you interested in developing tools for mind/body/spirit self-care? Join Rabbi Hugh, the APJCC’s Senior Director of Collaborative Leadership and Jewish Engagement, for monthly wellbeing walks. Meet in the APJCC lobby, walk together to Los Gatos Creek, meditate briefly, and return to the APJCC for a closing reflection.

Free for APJCC members. Please dress comfortably and wear your preferred walking shoes.

For more info, contact [email protected].

Israeli Programs

For information on virtual programs for the Israeli community, see our Israeli Programs page or contact Shavit Kaner Levinson at [email protected].

Learn about the Beged Kefet after-school Hebrew language program.

Russian Programs

For information on virtual programs for the Russian-speaking community, see our Russian Programs page, or contact Rabbi Ilana Baird at [email protected].