Ann Tavan

Light of the Community Spotlight

Ann Tavan

Meet Ann Tavan, a cherished community member who embodies the spirit of Hanukkah through her dedicated efforts and unwavering commitment to bolstering Jewish Silicon Valley. Her passion for teaching shines brightly through the traditions cart that graces the APJCC lobby during Jewish holidays, educating visitors about cherished traditions.

As a founding family of Yavneh Day School, an influential educator for many years, and an advocate for immigrant resettlement, Ann’s impact reaches far and wide. To mention a few notable efforts, she spearheaded a Goodwill-type program at Shir Hadash that collected essentials for the Russian community, was the founding member of a local Jewish Cub Scout pack, and has shined in leadership roles on the board at Yavneh Day School and the Federation’s Education Committee.

Ann’s passion lies in hands-on involvement, where she actively engages. Her selfless dedication to community service, education, and fostering connections illuminates the essence of Hanukkah, and her actions truly bring light to our lives.