Stand with Israel 2023

Solidarity Gathering for Israel 2023

We Stand With Israel

A heartfelt thank you to all who attended, volunteered, supported, spoke, worked, and watched our Solidarity Gathering for Israel. We have a long road ahead of us, but we stand together, in unity, and in support of our brothers and sisters in Israel.
We would like to extend a specific thank you to Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department for their unwavering commitment to the safety of our town and community. As always, we appreciate your service, partnership, and support.
Some incredibly powerful words and voices wre heard. Thank you for your bravery and solidarity. Thank you again to the team Congregation Shir Hadash for livestreaming this event for all to see.
We are holding these tragedies in our heart and pray for better days.
Visit our Israel resource page  to support, connect, and get help. Stay informed and involved.  

In a vibrant display of community strength, around 600 individuals gathered at our solidarity event for Israel. 

There was a diverse range of speakers, including community, regional faith and political leaders, that  provided a multifaceted perspective on the significance of standing in solidarity with Israel.  At multiple points during the program, Jamie Zimmer, the director of Jewish Life and Learning at Yavneh Day School, strummed a rhythm that was somehow both bright and mournful, while Aviva Greenberg, the director of Hebrew, poured her heart out through her voice.

The event’s success was not only measured by the number of attendees but also by the enduring sense of purpose and community that lingered. The solidarity event served as a powerful reminder that, in times of challenge, coming together with a shared purpose can create a positive impact that resonates far beyond the event itself.