Jewish Community Study is Live

Connecting & Mapping Jewish Life in Santa Clara County is Live!

With full financial support from the Chai House Board of Directors, Jewish Silicon Valley is conducting a community-wide study. In order to produce a broader and deeper understanding of the makeup and assets of the Jewish community in Santa Clara County. We hope to establish a continual learning network, responsive to changes and growth within the community. 

Read our blog post that introduces the study: Connecting and Mapping Jewish Life in Santa Clara County

Your input is vital to helping us understand communal needs and priorities. 

The goal of this study is twofold: to identify who makes up the Jewish population within Santa Clara County and to understand the availability and gaps of Jewish assets and resources.

Please take the Jewish Community Study survey! Your participation will help ensure the survey’s success and help shape a more vibrant Jewish future in Santa Clara County.

Click here to visit our Community Study page.

Complete the Survey & Enter to Win 1 out of 10 $100 Gift Cards!

In addition, if you complete the survey, we will enter your email in a drawing to win one of ten $100 gift cards, one of five $200 gift cards, or one of two $500 gift cards; or you may choose to have Jewish Silicon Valley make a $5 donation to a charity of your choice.