Supporting Survivors in Turkey & Syria

Our hearts go out to the people of Turkey & Syria in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes.


The death toll is now above 11,000 and 150,000 people have been made homeless and are trying to survive during a bitter cold winter.


Here are several ways to support survivors devastated by this horrific catastrophe and stay connected to what is happening on the ground in key regions.


Local Organizations Providing Support

Syrian American Council

Our friends in the Syrian community have shared this link to the Syrian American Council that includes an updated account of what is happening on the ground and how you can help.

Turkish Community & Embrace Relief

Our friends in the Turkish community have shared that Embrace Relief is partnering to get resources to victims. There will also be a vigil and fundraiser on Monday in Santa Clara. We are sharing the flyer below.

National Fundraising Initiatives

Jewish Federation of North America

Jewish Federation of North America is on the ground with various partners, responding quickly in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. We need your help. The devastation is overwhelming. If you can, please consider donating directly to their efforts



As always, thank you for your time, consideration, and generosity.

The Jewish Silicon Valley Team