The Torah tells us that every person is created in the Divine Image, B'Tzelem Elohim. 

We respect the inherent dignity and autonomy of each child. We value children because of who they are. Each child has something to learn, something to teach, and something to contribute.

Jewish Silicon Valley’s inclusion efforts help every child and their families feel connected, supported, and happy.

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Upcoming Events

Fun & Sports with Family – A day of play for children with special needs and their loved ones.  Join us for a sensory-friendly day of games, crafts, and fun. Families can enjoy interactive activities in a comfortable environment.

Volunteers will be stationed at each station to help guide children, and their adults and siblings through activities at their own pace

When: Sunday, May 19, 2024 | 10:00am – 12:00pm

Where: APJCC Los Gatos Campus

Powered by Generosity. This event is made possible by the support of the Honorable Susan Ellenberg and Steven Ellenberg.

APJCC Preschool

Support, Guidance,
& Experience

We recently achieved a major milestone towards this vision through hiring our new Inclusion Specialist: an experienced professional who will support families and children on the special needs journey in and outside of the classroom.
Camp Shalom staff and kids

Camp Shalom

"Chaverim" Inclusion

Chaverim means “Friend” in Hebrew, and is the name of our 1:1 camper advocate program. In this program campers are paired with an advocate to facilitate social inclusion and friendship  in daily activities, such as swimming, arts and crafts, cooking, field trips, and other camp activities.

Fitness Services

APJCCC Fitness &

The APJCC Fitness & Aquatics teams are experienced professionals with a passion and belief that working out and taking care of yourself is for everyone. Several of our personal trainers and swim staff have experience working directly with members of varying physical and neurological abilities, and ages.

If you have questions regarding Inclusion with Jewish Silicon Valley and the Addison-Penzak JCC, please email [email protected]


7th Annual Superhero Summer Festival & 5K-Walk-Run-Roll Race

July 29, 2023

Fun and Sports with Family: 

April 23, 2023