It Takes One Idea – Unity March

Voices of Unity - March 3rd

The Unity March against antisemitism drew over 10,000 people together in a powerful display of solidarity and determination. Here are some heartfelt comments and testimonials from attendees, volunteers, and supporters:

  • “Kol Hakavod! Am yisrael chai!”
  • “I am so happy to join your group. I have felt that we Jews need to be visible and visibly proud. I look forward to joining your next event and to helping!”
  • “I’m an Indian and Hindu. I spent my senior year at Yale researching ways to improve ties between India and Israel. Israel is close to my heart and I want to stand by its people.”
  • “I want to praise and give gratitude to our thoughtful and fearless organizers. Toda Raba for leading us to this much needed unifying and nourishing social movement event to fight against antisemitism, all hate. It takes a village and I’m grateful to be part of yours.”
  • “The event was filled with people and uplifting speakers. It was heartwarming and inspired us to stand strong against those motivated solely by hate.”
  • “Feels like a family. Thanks for a well organized operation, ready for the next one.”
  • “Thank you for your incredible leadership – it was an incredibly inspiring experience!”
  • “Congratulations! Thank you for this extraordinary work and leadership. Kol ha kavod doesn’t begin to cover it, but you have my admiration and deep appreciation.”
  • ” It was an honor to speak at the rally yesterday and the energy from it is still reverberating through me.”
  • “Thank you and the whole team for organising the amazing event on Sunday. So powerful to stand together with thousands and support each other during these challenging times.
  • Wishing you many blessings and success in all your endeavors.” 
  • “You absolutely gave us a refresh to continue our work, we will NOT stop.”
  • “There are so many people I want to thank for the tremendous amount of stamina, focus, purpose, and resources that made today’s March and Rally possible. It was the light, and yes, the solidarity so needed right now – and for this to take place in San Francisco was especially meaningful I think for Jews here who feel alone…. Last Friday evening I shared wisdom from the Talmud that I’ll close with for now. Showing up is not only the right thing to do; it is an obligation. All of you have never lost sight of that. And today’s rally I hope will reinvigorate people to feel the same.”
  • “We all did something amazing today – we strengthened our community. We have a beautiful community, and we need to remember that, be proud, and stay united. We couldn’t have done any of that without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Read more on the event at one of our wonderful volunteers, Lili’s blog.